Vikings Executive 2024- 25
Please direct your inquiry to the appropriate person below. For questions about registration for any of our programs, email the Registrar here.
- President - Adele Khavari
- Vice President -Tina Hu
- Secretary -Erin Braun
- Treasurer - Marion Lowe
- Registrar - Fiona Beveridge/Tara Snape
- Member at Large - Niels Veldhuis
- Member at Large - Jessica Yee
- Member at Large - Jim Ellithorpe
- Member at Large - Chi Huang
Project Leads
- Communications - Diane Habans
- Coordinator - Fiona Beveridge
- Awards - Cristina Bigg
- Clothing Coordinators - Bonnie Kong
- Director of Officials - Click here for Email
- Fundraising Coordinator - Jasmine Sethi and Jocelyn Stacey email
- Meet Managers - Niels Veldhuis
- Volunteer Coordinators - Jason Hynes and Nathan Slee
- Pool Coordinator - Jessica Yee
- Social Coordinator - Vacant